Frequently asked questions.

1. WHAT SHOULD I WEAR to my first appointment?

Wear something comfortable. Bring a pair of shorts if it is a lower back, hip, knee, ankle, or a foot problem. Bring a tank top / vest if it is a neck, upper back, shoulder, elbow, or hand problem

2. Will i have treatment on my initial appointment?

That is our plan, we want you to leave the clinic feeling better and that you are FINALLY getting the correct management and treatment for your symptoms. to speed up your initial appointment so that your CLINICIAN can start treatment. you will be provided with a pre assessment form via email to fill out 2 days before your appointment begins- this information will speed up up your initial assessment so treatment can commence sooner.

3. How long are my appointments?

Your intial appointment will take between 45-60mins, follow up appointments are between 30-60min

4. What type of treatments can i expect to RECEIVE?

Our CLINICIAN perform a variety of treatment methods to treat a variety of conditions. We work based on RESEARCH evidence- so your clincian will discuss and educate you why they are performing a treatment and how it is going to help with your symptoms.

Here are some of the methods we use to help reduce pain and promote function with musculoskeletal conditions:

  • Manipulation or mobilisation of joints

  • Electrotherapy (Shockwave therapy, Ultrasound)

  • Acupuncture

  • Exercise therapy

  • Strength and Conditioning

  • stability training

  • Soft tissue massage

  • Heat or cold therapy

Patient education, home exercises using Physiotec Software

BIOMECHANICS and posture analysis

5. Do you treat patients with Health care insurance?

Yes- proformance clinics are registered with a number of insurance companies- we will require your insurance details beore your initial assessment takes place so please do contact the front of house team if you are gong to claim through your insurance. FAILURE to provide all information will lead to a full payment being made for your appointment.

The insurance companies that we are registered with include:

  • AXA



  • WPA

  • SIMPLY Health

6. How many treatments will i need?

We cant be certain of how many sessions you will require as all conditions affect people in DIFFERENT ways. after your initial assessment Your PRACTITIONER will discuss with you a treatment plan and will provide an approximate guide at this point.

7. When can i book an appointment?

We aim to see all patients with in 24hrs of them requesting an appointment but we do hold a number of EMERGENCY appointments on the day, so if your case is urgent please call for AVAILABILITY or book online via the website or facebook.

8. Can i use the david lloyd facility?

Yes- if you are not a member of david lloyd then you can use the facilities with a member of proformance clinics- all non members who are a patient of david lloyd also RECEIVE a 2 week quest pass to help in your rehabilitation.

9. Do i need a doctors REFERRAL for TREATMENT

No- if you are waiting for treatment on the NHS but would like to be seen quicker then you can self refer yourself to our practice- if you are uing your private medical insurance we advice that you speak to them before to ensure that your case can be covered.

10. Is treatment painful

There are times when treatment can be painful but we aim to make your sessions fun and informative so you understand why your clinican is performing a treatment- pain from treatment is useually short term and helps promote recovery of your main symptoms. If you are CONCERNED post treatment you can always call the practice to speak to one of our clinicians’ for support.