Miss Natalie Carter

Chartered Physiotherapist

(BSc Hons, MCSP, HCPC)

Natalie is a Chartered Physiotherapist, graduating from Bournemouth University with a First Class degree in June 2021.

She started her career at Poole Hospital, and has gained extensive experience in Trauma and Orthopaedics, as well as Stroke Rehabilitation and Respiratory Physiotherapy.

Natalie's passion is to help others to achieve individualised goals with the aim of improving quality of life, returning to pre-injury functional ability and preventing further injury through thorough assessment and advice.

Natalie has a passion and depth of experience in treating lower back pain. She also has a particular interest in the use of Shockwave Therapy to treat a variety of conditions, a topic which Natalie studied in great detail when writing a literature review on this topic.

Natalie's interest in Physiotherapy sparked aged 15, after sustaining an injury and receiving treatment during her time competing at a national level in the junior tennis circuit. She now enjoys playing tennis for club and county in her spare time as well as running, paddleboarding and spending time with family and friends.

Natalies Case Studies and Health Advice and Information

Read this case study of a previous patient under Natalies care who he helped with evidence based interventions helping the patient return to Tennis pain free

Read this article explaining how you can keep your self fit and injury free while training for a Marathon or even a couch to 5k