Natalie’s marathon training and injury prevention tips

Check your shoes- it is recommended to get a gait analysis to get the most appropriate shoes for you. The right shoes for you can help to:

·       Reduce risk of injury- such as reduce back, hip, knee and ankle pain

·       Prevent blisters

·       Support your foot arches

·       Improve your running performance

Strength training- 1-2  sessions a week can make a huge impact on running:

·       Improve movement patterns so that you are running more efficiently (less energy wasted!)

·       Decrease risk of injury- it will increase your muscular strength and stability to absorb the force of each step and minimise the load through your joints

·       Improve in muscle activation

·       Strength training includes exercises such as squats, lunges and calf raises- however it is best to get a program designed specifically to you!

Sports massage- regular sports massages every 2-4 weeks leading up to a marathon are key!! Benefits include:

·       Injury prevention- helps to identify and treat tighter areas before injuries occur

·       Aid circulation- this helps to remove metabolic waste which has built up in your muscles

·       Enhance tissue permeability- allows oxygen and nutrients to reach your muscle cells faster

·       Relieve muscular tension- maintains flexibility and pliability of muscles allowing them to function effectively

·       You get to relax!! This is a huge psychological benefit leading up to a marathon.

Acupuncture (also known as dry needling)- this can be used in conjunction with sports massage to optimise condition. Benefits of acupuncture include:

·       Quicker recovery time

·       Improve flexibility, decrease tension and increase activation of muscles

·       Pain relief

·       Reduce the risk of injury

Food is energy! – Consume carbohydrates 1-2 hours before a long run (such as pasta, oats, bananas, rice!) and small amounts of sugar every 30 mins- 1 hour during the run (such as energy gels or sweets!) Make sure you are eating enough during your training (you will feel hungrier)!!

Rest-Make sure you are getting rest/recovery days-do other forms of cardio like swimming or cycling to mix up your cardio training and decrease impact on your joints