Posture Pain- Back Pain when working at your desk

With many people working from home at the moment (one in six), we are currently experiencing a rise in the patients that we are seeing with neck and back pain.
This is usually due to the fact that our workstation at home is not the same as our office. We are using dining room chairs with regular tables or countertops, or even worse we are sat on the sofa or bed with our laptops.
This causes changes in our posture and can lead to posture related pain if we stay in these positions for a long duration of time.
Below we have some great advice of how you can reduce the risk of posture related pain and help prevent further injury. 
Tips and Advice 
  • View your computer screen with a straight neck and back.
  • Don’t look down at your screen.
  • Put your keyboard and mouse or touchpad at a comfortable height in front of you.
  • Place your keyboard at easy reach so you are not over stretching.
  • Sit back in your chair.
  • When sitting rest your legs on a flat floor or a foot support.
  • If you are taking regular phone calls, stand up every other phone call.
  • Limit the time you work on your bed.
  • Stand regularly (every 20-30min) stretch and mobilise your body.
We hope this helps and if you need any further support or help then please get in touch with one of the team.

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