Overcoming Fear Avoidance: A Low Back Pain Success Story


Mrs. S, a PE teacher and fitness enthusiast, found herself in a frustrating battle with persistent low back pain that hindered her daily activities and gym routines. Despite her best efforts to stay active, the pain was affecting her ability to perform basic tasks like putting on socks and shoes, bending over, and rolling over in bed. After several months of trying to manage the pain on her own, she sought help from Chiropractor Ben Goodall.


During the initial assessment, Mrs. S reported pain localized to her right lower back. Her pain, which had no clear onset, was exacerbated by bending forward and prolonged inactivity. Fearful of worsening her condition, she developed a pattern of avoidance towards movements that triggered her symptoms. This avoidance behaviour was starting to affect her flexibility and overall quality of life.


A Comprehensive Approach to Addressing Fear Avoidance


Understanding the psychological aspect of pain, Ben focused on a multifaceted approach that not only addressed the physical symptoms but also aimed to change Mrs. S’s mindset towards her pain. The treatment plan included manual therapy and a graded exposure exercise program designed to desensitise the painful area and encourage movement without fear.


Manual Therapy


The initial phase of treatment involved manual therapy techniques to alleviate the immediate pain and discomfort. Dry needling (also known as medical acupuncture) was applied to the muscles of the lower back, significantly reducing the tenderness in the area. Soft tissue work and spinal manipulative therapy were also utilized to allow more pain-free movement. These interventions provided Mrs. S with immediate relief and paved the way for the next phase of her recovery.


Graded Exposure and Reassurance


One of the key components of Mrs. S’s treatment was addressing her fear avoidance behaviour. Ben explained the importance of graded exposure, a technique that involves gradually reintroducing movements and activities that had been avoided due to pain. Mrs. S was reassured that engaging in these activities would not cause further damage and that mild discomfort was a normal part of the healing process.


Strengthening Exercises


To build resilience and strength in her back, Mrs. S was introduced to a tailored exercise program. Cross-body weighted Romanian Deadlifts became a staple in her routine, starting with manageable weights and gradually increasing as her confidence and strength grew.


Mindset Shift and Ongoing Progress


The combination of manual therapy, including dry needling, soft tissue work, and spinal manipulative therapy, along with a structured exercise program, led to significant improvements in Mrs. S’s condition. She reported a substantial reduction in day-to-day symptoms, finding it easier to perform activities that once caused pain. The shift in her mindset—from avoiding movements to embracing mild discomfort as part of her recovery—played a crucial role in her progress.


End Result


After a few weeks of consistent treatment and a positive approach to her exercises, Mrs. S experienced a resolution of her low back pain. She could engage in her fitness routines without fear and even noticed that activities like putting on shoes and rolling over in bed no longer posed a problem. Her ability to manage her pain and the psychological shift towards her symptoms made a profound difference in her recovery.


Your Path to Recovery from Low Back Pain


If you’re struggling with persistent low back pain and find yourself avoiding activities out of fear, it’s time to act. Gain a comprehensive rehabilitation plan that addresses both the physical and psychological aspects of pain with Chiropractor Ben Goodall. Mrs. S’s success story is just one example of what’s possible. Your journey to a pain-free life can start today. Visit us at Proformance Clinics and let’s create your success story together.