Dr Ben Goodall


(Doctor of Chiropractic, MChiro Hons, LRCC)

As well as being a Chiropractor, Ben is an ex-team GBR tumbling gymnast; at his prime he was the 2 time reigning junior British champion and came 3rd at the world age group championships in Tokyo 2019.

It was his career in gymnastics that first introduced him to chiropractic which has helped him maintain a high standard of performance ever since. Despite his athletic background ben loves working with patients of all ages and backgrounds having worked with children to retired folk to wheelchair users and more!

For ben, being a chiropractor is about helping anyone and everyone achieve whatever their aims are, whether its elite sporting success or being able to pick up their grandchild without pain, your life and values matter to ben. Having graduated from the prestigious AECC University College with a master’s degree in chiropractic with 1st class honours, ben has a strong passion for continued learning and keeping up to date with the latest research, he even co-authored a paper that was published in the journal chiropractic & manual therapies during the pandemic.

Ben Goodall Case Studies and Health Advice and Information

Read this case study of a previous patient under Bens care who he helped with evidence based interventions helping the patient return to ABOVE pre functional ability.

Read this journal on valuable advice on the complex nature of chronic pain and how its development can counteract our functional ability and lifestyle.

Read this case Study on how one of my patients succeeded to relieve Low Back Pain through hard work and dedication with full support and care.